Un Global Goal initiatives

For Copenhagen Dome – Videnscenter for Socialøkonomi, and one of Denmark's largest social economy companies, Grennessminde, located in Taastrup, we have strengthened their business focus and integration of the UN Global Goals into their strategies, practices and visual branding.

Both companies work to secure inclusion of marginalised groups in the labour market, and they especially want to contribute to reaching the following UN Global Goals: # 8: Decent work and economic growth # 11: Sustainable cities and communities # 12: Responsible consumption and production # 17: Partnerships for the goals. Below you can find examples of the visual branding.

With our partners, mettethorsen.com, offer a range of services for private and public companies wanting to work strategically with sustainability. We work with simple methods that systematically create an overview of relevant issues. The methods provide a solid foundation for prioritisation and for your continued work on goals, strategy and execution. See our other services within sustainability and the UN Global Goals here.

Contact us for an unbinding talk if your company wants to work strategically with sustainability, too.



For Grennessminde located in Taastrup, Denmark, we at mettethorsen.com have contributed to strengthening the business focus of the organisation, which is one of Denmark's largest social economy enterprises. We have also delivered corporate rebranding and helped integrate the organisation's selected UN Globals Goals into strategies and practices.

The organisation works to secure inclusion of marginalised groups in the labour market, and they especially want to contribute to reaching the following UN Global Goals: # 8: Decent work and economic growth # 11: Sustainable cities and communities # 12: Responsible consumption and production # 17: Partnerships for the goals. A redesigned and more target-oriented website as well as new communication elements for sales and fundraising activities are examples of the new brand that we have produced. Below you can find examples of the visual rebranding. 

Our responsibilities have involved management, analysis, strategies and execution in business and organisational development, communications, design and visual storytelling about the selected UN Global Goals. All activities have taken place in close cooperation with the customer.

COPENHAGEN DOME – Videnscenter for Socialøkonomi

New knowledge centre – commercial development and branding

For Denmarks' new knowledge centre focusing on social economy – Copenhagen Dome – Videnscenter for Socialøkonomi – we at mettethorsen.com have contributed to strengthening the business focus of the organisation. Among other things we have delivered business, communications, and fundraising strategies, corporate branding and helped integrate the organisation's selected UN Globals Goals into strategies and practices. We have also produced a communication kit for the newly established Centre: Website, fact sheet, profile brochure, postcards and leaflets.

The centre works to secure inclusion of marginalised groups in the labour market, and they especially want to contribute to reaching the following UN Global Goals: # 8: Decent work and economic growth # 11: Sustainable cities and communities # 12: Responsible consumption and production # 17: Partnerships for the goals. Below you can find examples of the visual branding.


From beginning to the end, our responsibilities have involved management, analysis, strategies and execution in business and organisational development, communications, fundraising, design and visual storytelling about the selected UN Global Goals. All activities have taken place in close cooperation with the customer.