At, we have in-depth experience of coming from outside and looking at our customers' opportunities and challenges with fresh eyes. We contribute both at management as well as
strategy level and commit to ensuring an efficient execution of action plans.
For a Danish NGO, is a co-contributor to creating a turn-around by raising DKK 25 million DKK in three years – of which DKK 10 million comes from A.P. Møllers Fond. From being
threatened with closure, the organisation delivered its best annual profits only two years after efforts had begun. Massively increased visibility, political impact, as well as new
partnerships, are additional results of the fundraising strategy that was put into action. Read about the case and our
excellent cooperation with the customer.
Through fundraising activities, we have helped to create full funding for the Auschwitz-documentary 'Arlette - a story we must never forget' ('Arlette – en historie vi aldrig må glemme') – the purpose of which is to ensure a continued focus on the history of Auschwitz and the Holocaust.
Together, we can help create maximum value for your organisation! Contact us.